Posted via email from Kinetic
May 30, 2009
Wasting time in the sun
Ready to lay in the hot hot sun and listen to the birds in the forest. probably will fall asleep and burn the other side of my legs.
May 24, 2009
Walking at Juanita Bay park
We haven't been to Juanita Bay park in a long time and after a nice sushi dinner in Kirkland for Rinneke's birthday we headed down there.
It's just as picturesque as I remembered, but it had changed a bit -a few less trees, the beaver dam is gone and I didn't see any turtles this time. Still a log of red-winged blackbirds though.
It's just as picturesque as I remembered, but it had changed a bit -a few less trees, the beaver dam is gone and I didn't see any turtles this time. Still a log of red-winged blackbirds though.
Posted via email from Kinetic
May 23, 2009
Fostering kittens
We picked up four kittens today that need a foster home for the next few days before they have surgery and then can find a permanent home.
One of our other two cats is very curious (but probably just looking for soft kitten food) and the other cat just hisses as it walks by the room with the kittens.
If you would like to foster kittens - and it's pretty easy - just contact Homeward Pets in Woodinville.
One of our other two cats is very curious (but probably just looking for soft kitten food) and the other cat just hisses as it walks by the room with the kittens.
If you would like to foster kittens - and it's pretty easy - just contact Homeward Pets in Woodinville.
Posted via email from Kinetic
May 22, 2009
Real-time Web just around the corner
The ReadWriteWeb blog has a good post about gathering momentum for a resurgence of interest in real-time search and notifications. I don't think the examples he points to will push it into the mainstream - that functionality has been around in many forms for many years (I even built seven or eight years ago to do that). I do think something will happen, but I'm not sure what application of this technology will make it to the big time.
The Real Time Web is coming so fast we've hardly had any time to think about it yet. So let's do that, shall we? The two hottest technologies online, Twitter and Facebook, are fast integrating real-time delivery of activity streams to their users. Paul Buchheit, the man who built the first versions of both Gmail and Adsense, says the real time web is going to be the next big thing. Buchheit's FriendFeed is a key point of innovation in real time. Social media ping server Gnip promised to turn everything online into Instant Messaging-style XMPP feeds, and though that's been put on hold in favor of more immediately clear value - we've still got our fingers crossed.
May 20, 2009
The end of the road
Out taking the dog-in-law for a walk and liking how everything is that glowing spring green color I love so much. It's like there is this whole new beginning just around the corner
Posted via email from Kinetic
May 18, 2009
Another great weekend at Orkila

We had another great weekend at Camp Orkila on Orcas Island. The weather
couldn't have been better and the sunsets were beautiful as always. The best
part was being able to go out on the water in kayaks - something we've
wanted to do for years. We'll be back next year but that will likely be our
last year with the Y-Westerners program.
May 17, 2009
Having a campfire on the beach
Campfires on the beach are one of my favorite things about our campouts. Our local band of hooligans enjoyed the smores and chased each other til it was too dark to see.
Cliff climbing on Freeman Island
On the way back from our kayak trip we stopped at Freeman Island. There is a geocache at the top of the cliff. But there was a nest of bees too, so I didn't do the climb this year.
Kayaks ready to go in the Sound
After six years of camp on Orcas we finally had the chance to take out some kayaks for a quick afternoon trip.
There were seals sunning on rocks at Doughty Point but no other wildlife.
We were soaked by a freak tsunami caused by a quake that measured 2 on the (Ron) Richter scale).
There were seals sunning on rocks at Doughty Point but no other wildlife.
We were soaked by a freak tsunami caused by a quake that measured 2 on the (Ron) Richter scale).
May 16, 2009
Life and Death in the Forest
A game where some are herbivores, some are omnivores and some are carnivores.
You make your choice then run like crazy.
You make your choice then run like crazy.
May 15, 2009
On our way to Orcas Island
This weekend Stephan and I will be going to Camp Orkila for our annual Y-Guides campout. Hopefully we'll be doing kayaks this time.
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