We've been doing
GeoCaching for a number of years, enjoying learning about new parks and finding Geocaches on our trips. Earlier this year we created our own Geocache near our house and placed a Travel Bug in it -
MoonBoy. His goal was to view a space shuttle launch and to someday travel on a Space Shuttle.
Amazingly, he's made his first goal and was an observer to this weekend's launch of STS. This is totally cool! Here are the
photos on the GeoCache site
Really, you are how old and you are still playing with dolls?
Truly, Mike, this is cool. When this year did you send Moon Boy on his way? Getting that far across the continent, seems like such a short time for such little legs.
We had created the travel bug quite a while ago, but only just sent him on his mission in Feb 2008. We created our own Geocache near our house and someone picked him up and took him to a Geowoodstock event in May - there probably were lots of people there and we were lucky that someone was from the Space Coast.
He's close to the launch sites, but there's an unofficial policy from NASA that will probably keep him grounded.
Maybe I can get a hold of Sergey Brin and see if he'll take MoonBoy when /he/ goes into orbit.
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