March 03, 2005

Amazon Zuggest

Oh, gawd. Somebody built a nice example of a live browser based search against Amazon's catalog. If this takes off, it might even add a bit more load on the servers.

The app is neat, but search results aren't different by letter, so maybe searching on whole words instead would be better. And use fixed width tables so things don't jump about so much.


Mike Dierken said...

Your html skills are just fine. Your site looks wacky to me though - a lot of 'this site is stealing bandwidth' images all over the page. Funny thing is, they say you are steailing from your own domain name.

I'm not sure how to detect the end of the word. Maybe if you see a whitespace, send the request without waiting. Unless you already are in the middle of whitespace. Waiting for a second will still send the request, the user wouldn't have to hit the space bar.

It's a neat app. I'm just not sure what results are cool when done with progressive rendering. Keep at it!

Mike Dierken said...

You're using SOAP for a service that i think is cool? Now I feel dirty... (I'm a major restafarian)