May 28, 2004

Somewhere buried in here is an interesting session at the upcoming BEA conference on "XML Data Services" BEA eWorld 2004. This also does double duty to show just how crappy a user experience can be when Web pages are built by fancy dancy frameworks that launch windows with script and use session IDs in the URLs.

Excerpt of what caught my attention in this link:
Data Services in SOA is not merely about exposing underlying systems via Web Service APIs. It is often the case that business relevant information needs to be aggregated and composed from multiple such systems. Furthermore, information modeling principles are essential in order to facilitate the discovery, use, reuse and management of these information related services. In this session, we will introduce BEA's solution to tackling this challenge. This solution, XML Data Services (XDS), provides the basis for creating, delivering and managing model-based Data Services in SOA. XDS will be delivered as part of BEA's upcoming BEA WebLogic Liquid Data 8.2 release.

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