April 30, 2004

From DareO
"The key point is that you should be passing around messages with state not executable code. The fundamental genius of the SOAP 1.1 specification is that it (emphasis mine) brought this idea into the mainstream and built this concept into its very core"

Good thing SOAP1.1 came along!

"Service oriented architectures dictate that you pass around state while the methods exist at the service end point, (e.g. an HTTP GET or HTTP POST request sends some state to the server either in the form of a payload or as HTTP headers which are then operated upon by the server which sends a result after said processing is done)."

Kind of neat how SOA is now the one dictating things. Shifts in marketecture are so entertaining.

Wow - I hadn't seen this position from Dare before:
"However experience from enterprise messaging systems and global distributed systems such as the World Wide Web show that you can build scalable, loosely coupled yet powerful applications in an architecture based on passing around messages and defining a couple of operations that can be performed on these messages. Would the Web be as successful if to make web requests you had to fire up Java RMI, DCOM, CORBA or some equivalent instead of making HTTP GET & HTTP POST requests over network sockets with text payloads? "

I wonder if the latency between Fielding's paper, the original RESTafarian parties and this quote emitted from MS are some measure of the diffusion of innovation

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